1st Sunday Demo March 2nd , 3-5 pm

Our Values

Enrichment. Creativity. Passion. Safety. Diversity. Evolution. Innovation. Perseverance.

What is Your Value Mindset?

Do you know what values drive your actions?

I took a five-week online workshop, The Power of Conscious Marketing, put on by Sounds True. So that you know, this was not my first marketing course and it isn’t my last. There’s lots of learning yet to do.  Folks from all over the world attended this workshop; many were therapists, coaches, healers, meditation teachers; you get the idea. We met twice a week for about 90 minutes and had assignments. The focus was on authentic marketing, using stories to assist those who think negatively about marketing. The first assignment was on value discovery, and that’s what I will discuss here.


The concept is that you want your customers to know your story, to know your values. The hope is that likes attract, and you will then more easily attract people who will turn into leads and then customers. We have all heard the stories about starving artists. Be a part of our story and a part of our thriving community.
Book experiences

Process of Value Identification and Ranking

I started this process on my own, listing what I believed were the values we began with, our current values, what I thought our customers valued about us, and what values we needed to have for the future. Then I asked Michael and Patrick to do the same. Neither of them had ever gone through an exercise like this. I thought they were going to give me grief, but they both took it seriously. After a couple of days, we talked through all the values on our list. We were amazed at the amount of overlap between the three plans.

The next step was to prioritize or rank the identified values. We each did this separately, with one being the highest-ranked value. I combined the three lists and organized the items from highest to lowest. Then we all sat down and discussed the resulting order.

We found that the top four were all about our business’s origin and how we operate today. Some of the values we listed, like Integrity, Boldness, Collaboration, and Perseverance, fell off the ranked list. They came off not because they are not important, especially Integrity. It fell off because we so strongly believe in it that we didn’t want to list it (perhaps a misconception on our part).

However, we realized that if we weren’t persistent, there would not be a future, so it got added back on. Our customer is the center of our universe, and we want everyone we encounter to go away feeling better or more enriched than when they arrived. Our tag line, “Enriching lives through artistic self-expression,” is a reflection of that and how much we have enriched each other working together.

Our Values

Next Steps

The plan is to keep these values evergreen. To make sure that we are incorporating them in all that we do and say. To tell stories about what they mean to us that we hope will capture your imagination.

Enriching lives through artistic self-expression.