1st Sunday Demo March 2nd , 3-5 pm

Our Glass Family

We are a woman-led and family-operated Gallery and Hot Glass Studio. Come on in and meet us, this extended family of glassmakers!

Houston Glass Artist Sally Pennington Moore

Sally Pennington Moore

Studio Owner / Artist

Gallery and glass studio owner, glass artist, a woman of science, yoga practitioner, and a million other things.

CEO | CFO | Manager, Three Dimensional Visions Studio Gallery, Tomball, TX | 2013-Present
Responsible for project management, business development, marketing, customer service, and financial planning for a 6.5-acre art campus which includes separate studios for warm & hot glass, fabrication & cold working shop, gallery, and event venue. One of three resident artists on staff. Responsible for external gallery showings of resident artist work.

Gallery manager, Three Dimensional Visions Gallery @ The Silos, Houston, TX | 2016-2020
Curated Houston gallery and external shows within the Sawyer Yards Complex. Release space due to COVID 19.

Various Geoscience, leadership, and upstream positions, ExxonMobil Exploration & Production companies | 1978-2013
Thirty-five years of diverse professional experience ranging from exploration in frontier areas to rejuvenating mature fields in a mature province. Includes extensive technical, commercial, and operational experience in the exploration, development, and production of energy fuels (gas, oil, and uranium) over five continents. Managed knowledge sharing for Upstream Geoscience & Engineering community, planned & executed the 2004 Upstream Technology Conference for 1800 professionals & senior executives.

Park Ranger, US Department of Interior, Yellowstone National Park | 1974-1975
Park Ranger in Mammoth area first two summers that Yellowstone NP had women park rangers.

Glass training | Corning Studios, Seattle Glassblowing, Tacoma Glassblowing, Gatherhouse, Coastal Bend State College. Classes with renowned artists including Patty Grey, Richard Parrish, John T Hogan, Austin Stern, Laura Donefer, Pavel Novak, Martin Rosol Leadership training | Northwestern University of Complexity Science, Harvard University Negotiation Program, SMU Financial Planning & Controls, Colorado School of Mines Economics, Strategic Leadership with Willie Peterson

University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia- MS Economic Geology, 1978 (Fully funded by Health, Education, and Mining Fellowship & AMAX Exploration Grant)

University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia – BS Geology, 1975

Strong leadership and interpersonal skills supported by expertise in technical, commercial, financial, and business planning. A creative mind willing to tackle complex issues.

Glass Art Society member, 2013-present
Director, Association for Women Geoscientists, 2006-2014
Advisory Board, University of Georgia Geology Department, 2012-2015
Secretary/Treasurer of International Divisions, Geologic Society of America 2010-2011
Society of International Negotiators
American Association of Petroleum Geologist (1978-2019)
Houston Geological Society
Society of Economic Geologists

I have been creating things all my life.

For the first 35 years of my professional career, I modeled the earth to evaluate and exploit economic mineral deposits. I examined the strata to understand fluid flow and the effects of temperature and pressure on mineral development. I integrated disparate data to form concepts to sell to management, other companies, or other countries. It was the great life of an economic geologist selling her ideas.

Now I am a glassmaker selling my ideas in the form of art. I work with molten fluids and see how metal oxides (color) affect the mobility and density of the glass. I create strata with fused pattern bars or plumes of color, like magma chambers, in hot glass to investigate behavior.

Houston Glass Artist Michael Kerry Brown

Michael Kerry Brown

President / Sculptor / Designer / Fabricator

Creative with strong design and fabrication skills working in glass.

President/Artist, Three Dimensional Visions Studio Gallery, Tomball, TX | 2013-Present
Responsible for overseeing and executing fabrication and design projects for a 6.5-acre art campus which includes separate studios for warm & hot glass, fabrication & cold working shop, gallery, and event venue. One of three resident artists on staff. Co-curator of onsite gallery and external gallery showings of the resident artist’s work.

High school teacher & adjunct professor of art, Lone star college Houston TX | 1998-2003
Taught various studio art classes and art appreciation at two area High Schools and at two campuses for Lone Star College – Tomball and Montgomery.

Display manager, Montgomery Wards Department store, Denton, Tx| 1983-1985
Design and upkeep of displays and store fixtures; maintained integrity of store policies and directives in displays; communicated sales and promotional schedules to store staff

Freelance illustrator / photographer | 1982-1983
Designed brochures and logos for organizations & companies. Wedding & portrait photography.

Substitute instructor/graduate teaching assistant | 1980-1982
North Texas State, Fort Hays State University, and the University of Nebraska Instructor for three-dimensional design, sculpture, and drawing. Duties also included securing supplies, coordinating exhibit openings, gallery design, and oversight of labs (photography, ceramics, and sculpture)

Glass training | Corning Studios, self-exploration
University of Houston, Houston Texas – Master of Fine Arts Sculpture with Minor Jewelry and Metalsmithing, 1989-1993

Graduate Work in Art Sculpture, Drawing & Photography 1980-1983 North Texas State University – Denton, TX 1981-1883 Fort Hayes State University – Fort Hays, KS 1980-1981 University of Nebraska – Lincoln, NE 1980

Marymount College of Kansas, Salina, Kansas Bachelor of Fine Arts, 1977-1980 Major Sculpture, Minors: Business, Photography & Drawing

Strong ability to see in three dimensions and fabricate/create what is visualized. Great problem-solving skills enhanced with good communication skills.

Glass Art Society member, 2013-present

Material, form, and content…these are the building blocks of my art. They are interchangeable and have no set hierarchy for me. Over the course of my sculptural career, my explorations have been occupied with understanding the characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses of materials. Characteristics such as texture, color, plasticity, current applications, and their potential applications. Each material has a visual and emotional signature for me. Matching that signature to a form is what determines the content I am trying to express. For the last 15 years, my material of choice has focused on glass and I want my forms to be open to interpretation. I feel no need to explain every nuance of my art, people should be able to view my work, make their own observations and draw their own conclusions.

Houston Glass Artist Patrick Kerry Brown

Patrick Kerry Brown

Shop Manager / Glass Blower / Equipment Tech

Lover of glass, sharing it with others, and making glass art. Excellent with my hands, great at problem-solving and thinking things through. Other interests include my family, online gaming, reading, music, and fitness.

Studio Manager, Lead Glass Blower, Equipment Tech | Three Dimensional Visions Studio Tomball, texas | 2014-present
Lead instructor and gaffer. With assistance from others developed a system for production work and instruction. Trained and developed multiple groups of interns, selected as appropriate for hire. Helped construct original shop equipment, maintain & build new equipment & tools, and assist with showroom & gallery placements. Responsible for doing public demonstrations and representing the studio as a local glassblower. Do custom artwork, sell my work, and participate in local gallery exhibitions.

Head Bartender, Multiple Venues Houston, Texas | 2006-2013
Scheduled bartender & bar back shifts. Served customers, maintained bar stocks, and ensured smooth operations & safety in various venues.

Glass training February 2014 Three Dimensional Visions 5 day Workshop with John T Hogan
September 2014 Three Dimensional Vision 5 day Workshop with John T Hogan
March 2014 Three Dimensional Vision5 day Workshop with John T Hogan
Feb- September 2014 Glass Blowing with Rachel Haynes (BS Glass Blowing, UT Arlington)
Jan-Feb 2014 Glass Blowing Classes with local glassblower
May 2013 Hot Glass Workshop (1 week) Jane Druyea, Coastal Bend State College

University of Houston- BS Business Management & Marketing, 2014 Suma Cum Laude

Strong leadership and interpersonal skills supported by expertise in technical, commercial, financial, and business planning. A creative mind willing to tackle complex issues.

Glass Art Society member, 2013-present

I spent my childhood surrounded by creativity. My father is a sculptor and my mother an avid musician and geoscientist. I myself took quite an interest in music during my early years. While attending university I began to notice a persistent need to work with my hands. I did not quite understand what that meant for me until my parents decided to open a glass blowing studio. I took only a passing interest in glass at first. Then I was given the opportunity to attend a week-long intro to glass blowing class and my life changed. This ignited a passion in me for the ever-changing media of glass. Much like the fluid sounds of jazz and blues I grew up on, glass seemed to move to the beat of its own drum. Since that time I have been pursuing glass as both a passion and a living. My work draws inspiration from both nature and music and the fluidity and pattern found in them.

photo by Amy Butler

Our Exceptional Glassblowing Crew